DRAW A LOTはクリエイターを『憧れ』から『なりたい』職業にし、クリエイティブ市場を持続的に発展させるために、
ここはDRAW A LOTの参画パートナーとともに手掛けたグッズ、「DAL ITEMS」のショップになります。
生まれた収益は、本企画にご賛同いただいた先生方へのギャランティやDRAW A LOTの運営費として
- Shop Introduction
Make your dream job “creator” into the job you want to be. DRAW A LOT is a consortium of companies, schools, and local governments that are involved in creative activities to provide opportunities for the sustainable development of the creative market.
“DAL ITEMS” is a shop that sells merchandise worked with our participating partner DRAW A LOT.
The revenue generated from the sale of this product will be the guarantee for the artists who support this project and the operating cost of DRAW A LOT, to create an opportunity for the next creator to get a job.